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Holding Onto Hope, No Matter What | Transformative Plays

Holding Onto Hope, No Matter What | Transformative Plays

So, I was chatting with Anita, and let me tell you, her story blew me away. I hadn't met her before her big transformation, but just hearing her journey and how her friend Lenise played a huge role—it's like something out of a movie. It's amazing how women can lift each other up, you know? Anita, she's only 22, but she's already been through so much. She's at this pivotal moment in her life, and it's like she's on top of the world. I remember telling my friend Darryl this morning about this image I had of her driving up the ridge in Malibu, with the wind in her hair and her hoodie up. It was such a cool picture, you know? I wanted her to remember that moment because life can get tough, but it's important to hold onto those snapshots of happiness. Listening to her story reminded me of a moment in my own life when things turned around. I was about her age when I got accepted into this pre-doctoral program. I remember the song playing on the radio—it wasn't anything crazy, just a hopeful tune. That moment, alone with my thoughts, it felt like everything was possible. Both of us have been through some rough patches, you know? I've had my share of struggles, too. But looking back, I see how far I've come. From those days when I had nothing to where I am now—it's a journey, for sure. But I'm grateful for every step of it. Life's like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs. Anita's story is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there's light at the end of the tunnel. It's all about finding that inner strength and holding onto hope, no matter what.
Do You or Someone You Love Struggle with Bulimia or Anorexia? | Transformative Plays

Do You or Someone You Love Struggle with Bulimia or Anorexia? | Transformative Plays

A lot of young people do, particularly young women. My name is Jennifer Wakefield. I’m a model who has had my own share of mental health challenges. So have my peers. In fact, when I was in college, I had several friends who suffered from eating disorders. I use the words “suffered from” on purpose. Because that’s exactly what happens. Like many other mental health problems, bulimia and anorexia are secret shames. People sometimes live for years on end as bulimics and anorexics. Their family and closest friends might not even know they’re contending with these challenges. And like all secret shames, bulimia and anorexia gain power the more we bury them in darkness, stay silent about them, refuse to admit that they’re pulling our strings. Looking back, I just wish that all the people I knew who had eating disorders were given an outlet to talk about their feelings, their fears, and their thoughts about their condition. This is why I wholeheartedly recommend the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. Carl’s work doesn’t beat around the bush with mental health issues, it plunges right into them, laughing and wailing. This may sound madcap. In fact, it kind of is. But that’s the genius behind what Carl does. He gets people to live an experience together through the vehicle of drama. When you read a play out loud in front of other people, there’s no way to run from the experience. And everything it brings up is suddenly set loose, both in the room and within yourself. This is how the healing process begins. When we know we are not alone, we take strength from the fact that we can grow. We can heal. If you or someone you love is suffering from an eating disorder, I urge you to buy Carl’s play “The Donut Shop.” Get a group of people together—friends or strangers, it makes no difference—and read it out loud. See what a difference it makes. After you read the Transformative Plays, you’ll be able to hold conversations about your own mental health that you never had before. Which can change your life. Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues
When Emergencies Happen in Life, You Need the Right Team and the Right Tools | Transformative Plays

When Emergencies Happen in Life, You Need the Right Team and the Right Tools | Transformative Plays

My name is Lenise Soren. I grew up with two parents who were phenomenally capable. For instance, my mom was Maryland’s first female firefighter and only the third female firefighter in the United States. I have vivid memories of watching her spring into action, selfless, intent on helping others. Mom taught me early on that, when an emergency strikes, you need the right team and you need the right tools. But later in life, I discovered that some emergencies aren’t so obvious. For instance, grappling with issues related to mental health. Or dealing with instances of sexism, racism, generational tensions, family tensions … the list goes on … What’s the best team for dealing with stuff like this? I wondered. And what are the best tools? Then I found the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. Carl’s incredible collection of work is the key to a very big lock—in your soul. In your heart. These plays touch on every major issue that you and your family might be experiencing. Can’t talk to your teen about sex? There’s a play for that. Having trouble letting go of an old relationship? There’s a play for that. Are you dealing with discrimination? Are people lying to you? Are you very unhappy? Again, the list goes on … Reading Carl’s plays out loud with friends and family—your team—is one of the most transformative, therapeutic things I’ve ever experienced. Suddenly, everything that you’ve been dealing with in secrecy is right there, out in the open. You can talk about it. Unpack it. The issue can’t hurt you so much anymore. And you can walk free. Are you or someone you love dealing with major life issues right now? Buy the Transformative Plays by Carl Stillitano. It’s the one tool I recommend to everyone to increase mental health. https://www.transformativeplays.org
How to Overcome Any Hurdle in Life | Transformative Plays

How to Overcome Any Hurdle in Life | Transformative Plays

I only saw three movies when I was a kid. I still remember them: Cool Hand Luke, The Godfather, and Love Story. Movies didn’t impress me much. I wanted to be outside playing with my friends. Later, I acted in a school production of “Hello Dolly”. Well. Acting might be a charitable term. I was terrified to go out on stage. They practically had to drag me out there. Fast forward a number of years. I’ve been a professional actor and acting coach. A screenwriter. A playwright. A director and a producer. How did this happen? Simple. I got over my fears. I took charge of my mental health, and I grew. So can you. How? Read my collection of Transformative Plays. Each play dives into socially-relevant subject matters ( such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders) that offer unique perspectives, interactive learning and life lessons. When you read these plays out loud with family and friends, it gives you permission to overcome all the hurdles in your life. Suddenly, that problem which could not be named is out in the open. Suddenly, your worst fears and shame are hilarious, things to be talked about. And once you discuss them, you can surpass them. I’ve had a ton of adversity in my life, but I got past it. So can you. Buy my Transformative Plays and read them aloud with your family and friends. To keep sharing the love, I donate 50% of your purchase to a recipient of your choice. My plays make sure that you and your loved ones never stop growing. https://www.transformativeplays.org #mentalhealth #theater #playwright #malibu #mentalhealthmatters
Is Anorexia a Mental Health Issue? You’d Better Believe It. | Transformative Plays

Is Anorexia a Mental Health Issue? You’d Better Believe It. | Transformative Plays

When I went to college, I suffered from body issues. This happens to lots of young people, I think. Young women especially, though it isn’t confined to us. It never crossed my mind once that anorexia and bulimia—eating disorders—were mental health problems. They are, of course. I’m just trying to point out how easy it is to miss that. Far too easy. Now that I’ve lived life a little bit more, I can see how a person’s relationship with food is actually a defining characteristic of their mental health and resilience. The problem that I found when I was in school was that my friends and I never talked about what we were going through, all the things that were bothering us. That’s what really hurt us the most. Not our conditions but rather the silence that surrounded them. And that’s why I wholeheartedly recommend the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. I still can’t believe the impact they’ve made on me! Carl’s work is like a huge door that he’s flung wide open. Anyone who wants to can walk through this door. By doing so, we cross the threshold from a life of loneliness and suffering, into a life of healing, acceptance, and rebirth. The mere act of reading these plays out loud in a group demystifies any problems you might be experiencing. It’s hard to be frightened of something when you can name it, and Carl’s plays are all about naming That Which Shall Not Be Named. Consider the subjects he tackles in the Transformative Plays: Sex. Parenting. The Loss of a loved one. Loneliness. Abandonment. Having political disagreements with family. Generational differences in families. The list goes on, and I’m so glad it does. Because no one should limit themselves by not being able to tackle tough issues. These books are a godsend for you and your whole family. They might just be the best investment you ever make in your mental health. I can say without hesitation they were for me. Buy these plays today by visiting https://www.transformativeplays.org/mental-health-plays Together, we’ll heal out wounds. And then, together, we’ll change the world.
The Donut Shop Play Reading | This Play is useful for eating disorders. Please read yourself.

The Donut Shop Play Reading | This Play is useful for eating disorders. Please read yourself.

The next monologue that I'll be reading is from the Donut Shop, and it's called Being Female. You think it's easy being a female today? Manicures, pedicures, waxing, facials, getting our eyebrows plugged, waking up an hour earlier so we can straighten our hair. And don't even get me started on feeling guilty for not going to the gym. And to what end? Try trusting a man with your feelings because the minute you do, they turn into overgrown adolescents. When you meet them, they act like they have it together and that they really care about you. But the second their egos get satisfied, the second things get real, they start pulling away. And it's not like you don't know right from the start if we're the one for you. But does that matter? No, because you like to be distracted, so you'll keep us around as long as you're in control that is. Go ahead try to deny it. You can't, can you? But the absolute worst part is that it's not like that for us. Once we commit, we commit heart and soul. So I really like this one because it really highlights what women go through for the sake of love or for the sake of appealing to the male eye, to the male gaze. And it's really frustrating because I know in my personal opinion, I will wake up two hours earlier, not just one. I'll wake up two hours earlier and I'll make sure to do my makeup the exact way that I think someone's going to like it. Or I'll dress a certain way hoping that they look at me a little longer that day, or they make eye contact with me for a little bit longer. And it's so frustrating because I know that... And even though I'm committing my entire heart and soul, my entire day to someone, they don't commit to me at all. And I think that this play just really highlight... or not this play, but this monologue just really highlights what women go through to try and appeal to men, which can be really difficult and really frustrating. So if you're a young woman struggling with being a young woman, I definitely recommend reading Mental Health Monologues because there's plenty of great stuff in here that can relate to your experience and make you feel heard, and make you feel supported.
Have you ever felt like a swimmer who’s gone out too far? | Transformative Plays

Have you ever felt like a swimmer who’s gone out too far? | Transformative Plays

Have you ever felt like a swimmer who’s gone out too far? Like your feet can’t touch bottom? That was me at one point in my life. I found that I’d left the safe shores far behind. It was exhilarating at first. Then it was scary. Then it got worse. Those were rocky days for me. I needed a safe harbor. Someplace where I could get myself together again. Maybe you know what I’m talking about. Maybe you’re suffering from mental health issues right now and you can identify. Well, it turns out I found my safe space—with friends I care about, and who care about me. One of the things we did, as friends, was to read the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. Carl’s work is so brave. That’s the first word I think of when I think of what he’s done. Brave. See, everyone else in society hates to talk about the stuff that bothers us. Like violence in our culture. Or misogyny. Or the perils of getting older. Or having someone you love pass away. On and on, the list of these issues progresses. The longer it gets, the less people want to talk about them. Carl’s plays turn that dynamic completely on its ear. They offer a forum in which That Which Shall Not Be Discussed is given a name. Is discussed in the open. Turns out that the more we talk about these things—our fears and misgivings, our hurdles and hangups—the less power they have over us. Isn’t that amazing? Just by reading some plays out loud with friends and sometimes perfect strangers, I was healed of so many problems. So many burdens were lifted off my shoulders. I owe a great debt to Carl Stillitano and his Transformative Play collection. That’s why I recommend them to you now, and highly. If you or someone you love is trying to master your mental health, look no further than the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. Buy them now … and get your life back on track. You deserve it. We all deserve it. #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #eatingdisorderawareness #playwright #emotional
Basketball Taught Me This Crucial Lesson: To Score, You Have to Shoot | Transformative Plays

Basketball Taught Me This Crucial Lesson: To Score, You Have to Shoot | Transformative Plays

I grew up playing sports. Swimming and basketball—those were my two big affairs. I was always in a pool or out on a court, shooting hoops. As you probably already know, we’re talking about two very different sports. And yet there’s a principle that binds them together. Using basketball parlance, that principle is this: “To score, you have to shoot.” In other words, you can’t win the game sitting around hoping somebody else will win it for you. u have to get in there and do your best. This principle doesn’t only apply to sports, it applies to life. For instance, when I faced certain issues in life, when I had problems holding me back … You know what I did? I took my shot. Took a chance. I started reading the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. Carl’s plays touch on practically every major issue you might be facing right now. By reading these plays out loud with family and friends, you’re turning the key in the lock of your soul. You’re basically saying, “Hey, limitations! Hey, stuff that’s holding me back!” “I’m gunning for you. I’m not gonna let you hide anymore. I’ll drag you out in the open.” “Me and my friends are gonna pick you apart so you can’t hurt us anymore, and we can keep going.” “We can keep growing!” These days, when anyone, male or female, young or old, rich or poor comes to me asking how they can increase their mental health and stability … I tell them to buy the Transformative Plays by Carl Stillitano. They’re more fun than a board game. More effective than watching a movie together. Carl’s plays are a true bonding experience that can change your life and the life of the people you love. Read them for yourself and find out. https://www.transformativeplays.org
Talk About Eating Disorders, Sex, and Life with Your Teenagers | Transformative Plays

Talk About Eating Disorders, Sex, and Life with Your Teenagers | Transformative Plays

The Best Way to Talk About Eating Disorders, Sex, and the Awkwardness of Life with Your Teenagers Do you have teenage kids? I do. Do you have trouble talking to them about sensitive issues? Yup. Me too. My name is Ed Pilot. I’m an attorney who lives in Southern California. My family life was more difficult, there were elephants in the room, so to speak … Until I discovered the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. I consider Carl’s plays a great gift to the world. His collection presents situations that deal with practically every issue imaginable. Sexism. Racism. Eating Disorders. Family tensions. Generational tensions. The list goes on and on. When you read Carl’s plays out loud with your family and friends, you’re giving everyone involved the permission to grow. Suddenly, all these elephants in the room aren’t mysterious. They have names. Suddenly, the elephants aren’t nasty. They’re actually shy. You can approach them. Make friends. Imagine taking your worst fears, worries, and shames … The things that are holding you back from being the kind of person you long to be for your loved ones … And quickly surpassing them. Even laughing about them! That’s what the Transformative Plays of Carl Stillitano can do for everyone who buys them and reads them. That’s why I recommend them. They worked for me. They can work for you, too. Do something about your mental health. Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues
What I Learned from My Mother | Transformative Plays

What I Learned from My Mother | Transformative Plays

What I Learned from My Mother, One of the First Female Firefighters in the United States My name is Lenise Soren. My mother was the first female firefighter in Maryland, and the third female firefighter in the United States.I was three years old, growing up in a fire house. What did I learn from this? I learned how to lead. Because Mom always led. She was a real life superhero. My mother saved lives. Still does. She showed me what hard work can do, the results it can bring. Most of all, she showed me that life is a journey. You have to be true to yourself. To explore yourself. Be your own best advocate. Mom has a work ethic. She has integrity. That’s what made me a fan of the plays that I now want to tell you about. Carl Stillitano has written a compendium of transformative plays. Twelve books covering eleven socially-relevant one-act plays that support mental health. Each play is quick-paced, takes place in one setting, and involves two characters. There’s a story for everyone in these plays. When you read them aloud, you embody the character. Do what the character does. You feel what the character feels, and transform the same way the character transforms. Carl’s plays are the closet thing I know to what Mom taught me. Ways to stand on your feet. To grow in positive ways. To learn your own strengths. Isn’t that what we’re everyone’s looking for? Especially these days? Carl’s work envisions a world where people support one another through the process of becoming their best selves. To that end, he donates 50% of your purchase to the recipient of your choosing. This is a case where what’s good yields more good. Read a transformative play today, It will help you with your mental health.
Lead a Hard Life, Like I Did, You Either Die or You Start to Write Plays | Transformative Plays

Lead a Hard Life, Like I Did, You Either Die or You Start to Write Plays | Transformative Plays

Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues When You Lead a Hard Life, Like I Did, You Either Die or You Start to Write Plays I grew up Italian, Mount Vernon, New York. East of Yonkers, north of the Bronx, in case you don’t know it. Back in 1971, we called it the Bermuda Triangle because so few people made it out of there alive. The guys who lived in my neighborhood were all high school dropouts. They got drafted, went over to fight in Viet Nam. If they came back, they were all heroin addicts. And they taught my twelve-year-old friends and I this game called Vietnam Blackjack. If you won, you got to have your way with one of their girlfriends. Mind you, these were full grown women. If you lost, you had to snort this line of brown powder. They were heroin dealers and that’s how they got kids hooked on their product. Today, my life is different. Today, I write plays that promote mental health and the quest for identity. Just in time. Look, we live in tumultuous times. People are scared. They’re questing. They crave stability. They want to grow. I know. I’ve been there. And the best thing I found that could give me that wasn’t drugs. Wasn’t violence or anything else like that. It was being part of a community. Part of a team. Making theater and movies together. Telling stories what really matters: helping each other get better. By helping each other, we help ourselves. And vice versa. That’s why my plays are about and why you should read them, I think. They’re the perfect transformational tool for anyone in therapy, teenage kids who are finding themselves, or anyone looking to kickstart their personal growth. I would love for you to read my plays yourself and see how they can help you, your family and your community in mental health. https://www.transformativeplays.org. Video content marketing and SEO by Stern Storming https://stern.marketing #mentalhealth #malibu
What’s So Funny About Eating Disorders? I’m Actually Glad That You Asked! | Transformative Plays

What’s So Funny About Eating Disorders? I’m Actually Glad That You Asked! | Transformative Plays

Have you ever read something that knocks your socks off? Something you think everyone should read because it will open their minds and their souls? I have. My name is Barbara Burke, I’m a former attorney and current freelance journalist. The work I’m talking about are the Transformative Plays of Carl Stillitano. Carl’s had a pretty hard life growing up. He knows what it's like to struggle, to want to get better, to face adversity. And to overcome it. I think everyone should read his plays. Certainly high school kids should read them. Carl’s plays address themes that can alter your mental health for the better. For instance, take his play “The Donut Shop.” It’s one of the funniest, most candid things I’ve ever read about eating disorders. It’s also an outlet to transform your life. You see, when you read a play like “The Donut Shop” aloud with family and friends … You get to inhabit its characters. Their issues become your issues. Their struggles become your struggles. Their answers become your answers. As a theater artist, Carl Stillitano intuitively understands the healing power of drama. He knows that so many of us struggle today with issues we find very hard to express. That’s why his work is important. That’s why you need to read it right now. Do something about your mental health. Read the Transformative Plays, by Carl Stillitano. When you do this, you spread the love. Carl generously donates 50% of your purchase to the recipient of your choice. Read a transformative play today. It will change your life for the better. Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues
What If Somebody Gave You the Ultimate Owner’s Manual to the Human Condition? | Transformative Plays

What If Somebody Gave You the Ultimate Owner’s Manual to the Human Condition? | Transformative Plays

Would you take the time to read it? Would you follow all the instructions it gives? What if this manual could help you through every problem you’re facing right now … or ever will face? This manual exists. It’s called the Transformative Play collection by playwright Carl Stillitano. In particular, you might want to pay attention to Carl’s brilliant book called Mental Health Monologues. Imagine that, each time you have a problem, you grab this book and turn to its table of contents. Hmmm, you might think. I’m feeling upset right now … I suffer from an anxiety disorder … (So 374 million other people worldwide. The number increased due to COVID.) But fear not. Carl wrote a monologue for that. You read this piece out loud, it gives you insight. Gives you strength. You see right away: you’re not alone. It helps even more if you read it with friends … or even strangers. Carl’s collection of Transformative Plays are a fun, interactive, effective way to expand your mind while increasing your emotional IQ. It’s one of the simplest, most cost-effective tools for acting out your feelings and connecting them to your authentic voice. Why spend years attempting to release inner pain and work through trauma when you can make stunning leaps and bounds just by reading aloud? Carl’s work is particularly helpful for pre-teens and teens who are weathering all sorts of pain as they grow. That pain gets worse when you lock inside. Don’t do that. Increase your lived experience and that of your loved ones in a way that’s natural, fun, effective, and lasting. Buy the Transformative Plays by Carl Stillitano at TransformativePlays.org. Do it for yourself or do it for someone you love. You won’t regret it.
What If Reading A Short Text Aloud Could Open the Door to a Brand New You? | Transformative Plays

What If Reading A Short Text Aloud Could Open the Door to a Brand New You? | Transformative Plays

Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues What If Reading A Short Text Aloud Could Open the Door to a Brand New You? It can. It does. That’s what happens when you buy the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. Consider just one book out of the entire collection of twelve: Mental Health Monologues. Now imagine you’re facing a serious issue in life. Or someone close to you is. Examples include being bullied. Suffering from an eating disorder. Growing up with an absentee father. What if flipped to the front of this book and consulted its table of contents? Aha! you think. Here’s a monologue about being female. That’s what I need to discuss… Imagine yourself reading that text out loud and gaining new insights, increased awareness. Now imagine yourself hosting a reading party with friends new and old. It’s a very special kind of party because, rather than talk about things that don’t matter, you get down to business. You take the bull by the horns. Everyone gets to read a monologue out loud on a topic of their choice. See, what’s missing so much from today’s culture is good old-fashioned conversation. The topics that stigmatize and shame us so much get swept under our mental carpets where they can fester. And no wonder. These topics are really hard to bring up let alone to explore at any great length. But now you can do that with this awesome set of fun and tools. Start the conversations that will change your life … today! And remember, no one stops growing unless we let ourselves stop growing. No hurdle in life is too high to surmount … unless we simply stop trying. There’s a great deal of power in simply talking out loud. So do that. Do it today. Buy the Transformative Plays by playwright Carl Stillitano. You’ll find them on sale at Transformativeplays.org. Video content marketing and SEO by Stern Storming https://stern.marketing #mentalhealth #malibu
Read a Play? What Are You Talking About? Why Would I Ever Read a Play? | Transformative Plays

Read a Play? What Are You Talking About? Why Would I Ever Read a Play? | Transformative Plays

How about this: What if I told you it could change your life? What would it be like if every challenge you face in your life … every hurt, every victory, every defeat, every shame, and every celebration … … has already been mapped out for you? Now you no longer need to stumble along, blind in the dark of your own existence. There’s a source of light that can guide you. Someone has gone ahead and puts words in your mouth. When you speak these words aloud, you gain increased awareness, understanding, insights, and “ah-ha!” moments. The doors in your mind that have long stood shut swing suddenly open … and you are released. What if I also told you that you can do this exercise alone or with other people. Friends, complete strangers … doesn’t matter. The technology I’m talking about works in any event. In all cases. That technology is called “story.” It’s the oldest form of knowledge transference that humans have ever developed. Cave people used it. Our ancestors used it. And now you can too … … to facilitate your mental health … grow your consciousness … and heal. Whatever challenges you’re facing right now, whatever you’re currently suffering from … … the Transformative Plays by Carl Stillitano will quickly help you get through them. You’re not alone. Please never believe that you are. You are part of the world and the world is in you. It’s time to release it and be the person you’ve always wanted to be. But the Transformative Plays by Carl Stillitano today #mentalhealth #malibu
The Coach You’ve Always Wanted is Living Inside You  | Transformative Plays

The Coach You’ve Always Wanted is Living Inside You | Transformative Plays

Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues The Coach You’ve Always Wanted is Living Inside You. They Can Be Yours Right Now! My name is Lenise Soren. All through high school, I was an athlete. That’s where I learned the value of coaches. As resources go, a good coach is far more precious than silver or gold. I used to think coaches lived outside of us—and sometimes they do. But now I also think that our best coaches live INSIDE of us. They’re a part of us. And we can speak to these coaches whenever we want, provided we have the right tools. One of the best tools I know of to access your inner coach is the Transformative Play collection written by playwright Carl Stillitano. As a theater artist, Carl understands the ancient power of enacted drama. His twelve-book collection presents a wide array of modern issues that everyone confronts. Racism. Sexism. Discrimination against “the Other.” Generational tensions. Family tensions. When I first started reading Carl’s plays out loud with my family and friends, we just thought they were fun. Soon, however, we realized they were an outlet for healing and growth. By reading these plays out loud, all the skeletons popped from our closets. All our elephants entered the room and sat down with popcorn to listen and laugh. Suddenly, everything we were ashamed of, worried or angry about … got unmasked. Our fears received names. And when something is named, it can therefore be talked about. And when we talk about something, it loses all power to harm us. It is dispelled and we can keep going. We can keep growing. If you’re looking for a good coach, I would say: look no further. Buy the Transformative Plays of Carl Stillitano. Read them aloud with family and friends. It might be the best thing you ever did for your mental health and personal growth. https://www.transformativeplays.org Video content marketing and SEO by Stern Storming https://stern.marketing #mentalhealth #malibu
Doing Good for No Good Reason Pays a Tremendous, Invisible Dividend | Transformative Plays

Doing Good for No Good Reason Pays a Tremendous, Invisible Dividend | Transformative Plays

Doing Good for No Good Reason Pays a Tremendous, Invisible Dividend My name is Ed Pilot. I’m a lawyer by trade. I know, I know, I know. People have all kinds of thoughts about lawyers. Some of them, once in a while, are good. A few might even be grounded in reality. What I learned most of all by being a lawyer is this: the good creates good. I mean, sure, I work to pay bills. But I also do work pro bono. Know why? Because it feels good. Period. End of sentence. For these reasons and others, I’m promoting the work of my good friend, Carl Stillitano. Carl’s a playwright who’s written a tremendous collection of what he calls transformative plays. These plays are meant to be read aloud among friends and family. Why are they called transformative plays? Because each character in each play faces certain issues. By reading that character aloud, you face those issues the same way that they would. And by facing those issues, you stretch. You grow. You learn about yourself. You transform. Consider what I learned from Carl’s play, “An Act of Kindness in the Bu.” Life isn’t about what you have—your material things, your possessions, your stuff. In the end, the worth of your life is measured by what you give from your heart. That’s a message I think the world needs to remember, especially now. And that’s why I’m so pleased to help Carl spread the word about his work. Do something about your mental health. Read the Transformative Plays. Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues
What If You Were in Therapy But Didn’t Believe in Therapy? | Transformative Plays

What If You Were in Therapy But Didn’t Believe in Therapy? | Transformative Plays

Is there a mental crisis here in the United States? You’d better believe there is. A recent Gallup poll that took place in February 2023 showed our worsening mental health crisis. Among surveyed adults, 17.85 % reported they have been or currently are being treated for Depression. That’s a 7% increase from the same poll taken in 2015. And that’s why the plays of Carl Stillitano are more needed—now more than ever. Consider Carl’s play “Fly Eagles Fly.” It’s a simple two-hander. A therapist talks to a patient who doesn’t want to be there. He doesn’t even believe in therapy. But that’s the beauty of Carl’s work. He knows that, by reading these plays out loud, among friends and family, we get to explore what the characters feel … And therefore explore ourselves. To work through our barriers. To find love, healing, and humor, as well as personal transformation. Would you rather do that or play a board game some night? I’d go with the play. Carl’s work is the perfect personal development tool for people in therapy, adolescents still finding themselves, or anyone looking to break free of old obstacles. Best of all, Carl donates a full 50% of your purchase to the recipient of your choice. This way, in the process of growing, you spread the love wide. If you’ve ever imagined a fun, engaging tool for personal transformation you can share with your loved ones, this is it. You can purchase any of the Transformative Plays at https://www.transformativeplays.org.
My First Boss Only Cared About Sports and Women | Transformative Plays

My First Boss Only Cared About Sports and Women | Transformative Plays

Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues My First Boss Only Cared About Sports and Women. I Thought: “This is Gonna Be Easy!” And it was. See, I grew up Italian. Didn’t speak English until I was five, maybe six. I was bright, no question about it. I did well in math until about sixth grade when my parents took me to Italy. Once I came back, I couldn’t say the word “three” anymore. I said it like, “tre,” like they do in Italian. I wasn’t book smart. Couldn’t spell if a word had more than two syllables. Once I got older, I remember being completely intimidated by anyone wearing a tie. Imagine me showing up to my first office job. I was so nervous, my knees were knocking. I wore my first suit. But the boss who eventually hired me taught me something. See, all he wanted to talk about was women and sports. Those were two things I knew a lot about. And being able to talk with him, easy and free, that helped me get over my hurdles. It helped me feel more comfortable. And, eventually, to transform. Look, I’ll be blunt. We live in a world where mental health is a serious issue. More than ever, people are looking for ways to express themselves—and grow. Believe it or not, that’s why I started writing plays. As a theater artist, I know how therapeutic it can be to take on a character who’s different from you. It’s the perfect license to expand your emotional range, and to learn about your different facets of mental and emotional life. In other words, it’s the kind of activity that people committed to mental health need right now. Buy these plays, read them out loud, and discover the mental health support of the Transformative Plays https://www.transformativeplays.org And please comment if you have any questions. I’d love to hear from you. Video content marketing and SEO by Stern Storming https://stern.marketing #mentalhealth #malibu
Mental Health Growth Don’t Have to Be Done on Your Own, They Can Be Team Sports | TP

Mental Health Growth Don’t Have to Be Done on Your Own, They Can Be Team Sports | TP

Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues Mental Health and Personal Growth Don’t Have to Be Done on Your Own, They Can Be Team Sports My name is Lenise Sorano. When I grew up, I was into athletics. I mean really into athletics. I swam competitively and played basketball. At age eight, I began teaching younger kids, most of them five years old, to play basketball, too. Here’s what I learned from that experience. Life sometimes feels like you’re all on your own but you’re not. Because life is a team sport. Learning and growing, finding new sides of yourself, shaking free of things holding you back … That’s best done with help. Yes, I mean therapist. Sure. But I also mean family and friends. And that’s why I’m helping promote what I consider one of the most important tools in personal growth: The plays of Carl Stillitano. Carl writes what he calls “transformative plays.” His masterpiece set contains twelve books boasting eleven one-act plays set in one simple space with two characters. You don’t have to be an amateur or professional actor to read these plays. Just get together with friends and family and read them out loud. Each play contains certain issues that anyone can understand. By reading the play out loud, you give yourself permission to do what the characters do, feel what they feel. It changes your life. I know. I’ve tried them. They work. Carl’s plays are the perfect gift for people in therapy, kids who are finding themselves, or anyone interested in personal growth. Buy the plays, read them out loud, and discover the mental health support they provide. https://www.transformativeplays.org Video content marketing and SEO by Stern Storming https://stern.marketing #mentalhealth #malibu
Giving You The Perfect Tool to Help You Navigate Your Crazy Family Life? | Transformative Plays

Giving You The Perfect Tool to Help You Navigate Your Crazy Family Life? | Transformative Plays

Turns out, I can. My name is Ed Pilot. I’m writing today to tell you about the excellent transformative plays written by my good friend, Carl Stillitano. Carl and I share the same background. We come from immigrant families. We struggled a lot growing up. Had to fight for direction in life. But the leap Carl took was to write his experiences down, as different characters, different voices. He knew that when people read these plays out loud, they embody the character. Which gives them a license to feel what the character feels. Do what the character does. And in that way, set yourself free from whatever might be currently weighing you down. By embodying each character’s transformative journey, you receive the emotional support of your peers.But, in the process, you also discover and amplify your own power to create a stable self. As Carl likes to say, these plays are not just words on a page. They’re doorways that lead to the real you. The you that you’ve always wanted to be. I agree. Because I’ve read them. I’ve been there. They help. They work. Carl’s plays are the perfect catalyst for people in therapy, or young people developing themselves in school. Plus, thanks to Carl’s generosity, a full 50% of your purchase gets earmarked as a donation to the recipient of your choosing. Together, we can make a positive, meaningful impact on the world. I recommend Carl’s work without reservation. Buy a play and read it. Your mental health will be so much better.
How Could Reading a Play Out Loud Transform Your Life? The Answer Lies Here … | Transformative Plays

How Could Reading a Play Out Loud Transform Your Life? The Answer Lies Here … | Transformative Plays

Some might say that I had a hard life. I guess it’s all how you look at it, though. We see what we want to see. That’s one of the rules life operates by. For instance, a bit about me: My name is Barbara Burke. I grew up an orphan in the Midwest. I didn’t have parents to support me either emotionally or financially. I worked my way through college. But look at me now. I’m a retired contract attorney and freelance journalist who writes for The Malibu Times and Ojai Magazine. I’m also the proud parent of three remarkable children. At one point, I had the honor of proofreading plays written by a man named Carl Stillitano. Reading these plays out loud with my family and friends … it turned my life upside down. In the best ways possible. Carl’s work challenges everyday people to embody characters undergoing transformative journeys. Doing so lets you explore your own emotional range. Which in turn frees you up to experience your own transformation. I was stunned by the difference Carl’s plays made in my life, and I recommend them without reservation. These plays are excellent tools to help you find solace, inspiration, and a safe place to explore that mystery of mysteries … Yourself. They’re the perfect catalyst for people in therapy or young people developing themselves in school. Don’t wait. You can purchase any of the Transformative Plays at https://www.transformativeplays.org.
Stranger in a Strange Land, You Learn to Communicate Through Emotions | Transformative Plays

Stranger in a Strange Land, You Learn to Communicate Through Emotions | Transformative Plays

Buy your transformative plays for your mental health support https://www.transformativeplays.org/all-plays Read the Mental Health Monologues https://www.transformativeplays.org/plays/mental-health-monologues When You’re a Stranger in a Strange Land, You Learn to Communicate Through Emotions I never even heard the English language until I was five and a half years old. Until then, I was speaking Italian. Talk about culture shock. I mean that literally, I was in shock. So much so that I never spoke Italian again for another five years. I put all my energy into learning English. Learning to communicate. I didn’t want to be Italian anymore, I wanted to be an American. So that’s what I did. I made friends, took up sports, and got really good at baseball. But underneath all that, I was still yearning, always yearning to express my true self. I guess that’s why I started writing plays. See, I know how transformative it can be to embody a character. The same way, once upon a time, I embodied what I thought an American was. I guess you could say that I know the magic of ‘as if.’ As in: if I read this piece of text out loud ‘as if’ I’m the guy who’s talking about his emotions … Well, then it’s ‘as if’ I’m that guy. Which gives me the license to make my own emotional journey. And to transform. These plays are not just words on a page. They’re doorways that lead to the real you. The you that you’ve always wanted to be. Smart. Capable. Grounded. Open. Giving. And kind. They’re the perfect catalyst for people in therapy or young people developing themselves in school. And maybe the best part of all, each time you order my plays, you help others. Not just by how you develop yourself. A full 50% of your purchase gets earmarked for a donation to the recipient of your choosing. Together, we can make a positive, meaningful impact on the world. Buy these plays, read them out loud, and discover the mental health support of the Transformative Plays. https://www.transformativeplays.org Video content marketing and SEO by Stern Storming https://stern.marketing #mentalhealth #malibu
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